I’ve been following the HighGold story since January of this year when I penned a piece titled A high-grade gold and base metal play with Tier-1 potential – HighGold Mining (HIGH.V) HighGold is all about its flagship Johnson Tract Project (JT), a phenomenal high-grade deposit that was, until very recently, buried from sight for over […]
Cos on the Highballer shortlist making headlines – Forum (FMC.V), Banyan (BYN.V), Harfang (HAR.V), Skeena (SKE.V), and HighGold (HIGH.V)
This is a brief mid-week report updating several of the Cos on our shortlist making news today (Sep. 9th). Forum Energy Metals (FMC.V)… … dropped the following headline today: Forum Identifies Nickel-Copper-Palladium Targets at Love Lake Project, Saskatchewan; Commences Field Program When I asked Forum CEO, Rick Mazur, if he’d consider optioning out his Love […]
Drilling commences at Forum’s (FMC.V) district-scale Janice Lake copper project in Saskatchewan
In a recent Highballer offering, we stated the following re Forum Energy Metals (FMC.V)… “Things are busy at Forum Central, and it’s about to get much busier.” Last week, on September 1st, the company dropped the following headline: Rio Tinto Commences Drilling at the Janice Lake Sedimentary Copper/Silver Project, Saskatchewan Here, Rio Tinto Exploration Canada […]
Cartier Resources (ECR.V) tags high-grade gold at Chimo – takes aim at Benoist and Fenton projects with aggressive exploration plans
Last week, one of Highballer’s top three picks for 2020—Coral Gold (CLH.V)—was the subject of a friendly takeover that pushed its share price to multi-year highs. Today, another stock on our top three list—Cartier Resources (ECR.V)—tagged multi-year highs. It’s one of my favorite charts in the junior exploration arena, a chart characterized by an orderly […]
Nomad Royalty (NSR.T) takes out Coral Gold (CLH.V), one of Highballer’s Top Three Picks for 2020
This is a quick update. As many of you are aware, one of the companies in my Top Three Picks for 2020—Coral Gold Resources (CLH.V)—just got taken out by a bigger fish, one Nomad Royalty Company (NSR.T). When I first featured Coral Gold back in January of 2020, the stock was trading at roughly $0.44. Based […]
A new addition to the Highballer shortlist—Harfang Exploration (HAR.V) – Also BYN.V, DEFN.V, ECR.V, MCI.V, PGM.V, SKE.T
I apologize for the lag between articles. I’ve been scouring the junior landscape in search of a new entry, a new addition for the Highballer shortlist portfolio—a list that currently reads eleven. I’m reviewing several potential candidates. All strike me as intriguing speculations. All boast the fundamentals I require in a Junior ExploreCo: solid management, […]
A rundown of the companies comprising the Highballer shortlist
I decided today was as good a day as any to take stock (scuse the pun) and see how the Highballer portfolio has performed since I began covering our shortlist of ExploreCos earlier this year. I launched Highballerstocks on January 15, 2020, to take advantage of what I believed was the beginning of an epic […]
A new addition to the Highballer shortlist – Minnova Corp (MCI.V) – also Forum (FMC.V), Strategic (SMD.V), and PureGold (PGM.V)
The plot thickens. Gold, in US dollar terms, tagged all-time historic highs last week, registering a monthly close on the charts that has a universe of traders looking in. Some say prices are overheating. Some believe the $2000 level will generate an impulsive round of profit-taking. Some, including me, think calling the short-term moves in […]
Cartier (ECR.V) looks to monetize flagship gold asset, sets stage for aggressive drilling campaign at Benoist project
Here’s the thing… every day that a gold miner digs ore out of the ground—every day the company is in business—they reduce their metal inventory. For companies that produce millions of ounces of gold annually, adding to reserves—replacing these ounces—requires a steady stream of new discoveries. What investors new to this arena may not realize […]
An eventful week for the Highballer (shortlist) portfolio – Cartier, HighGold, Pure Gold, Skeena, and Strategic
Last week was a busy one for the metals—gold and silver—and a good number of the companies that populate the Highballer (shortlist) portfolio. Gold, in USD terms, is only a hair shy of tagging all time historic highs. Of course, in Canadian dollar terms, and a host of other currencies, gold has been carving out […]